Saturday, June 26, 2010

Definition of Bike Chain

What is your definition of bike chain? Is it a club? Is it a team? Is it disappearing? I keep hearing that bike chain is dead! But nights like tonight at Paradise, remind you that bike chain is more than a team or a club.

Yeah Mark and Darien had a baby. Let me correct myself, their wives have brought them a new member to their families and I honestly like the new Mark and Daren. Yeah they are more sensitive but I kind of think the baby have been the best thing for both them. And on top of that they both have amazing wives: Courtney and Julie. They would both do anything for you and on top of that they are two of the hardest working wives I know other than my two Moms: My real mom lol and Dr. Valerie Berg.

On top of that Steve has a new girl, well not really new now, but his girl friend Kristin is cool as shit! and she couldn't fit in better! Don't fuck it up Steve!

Kent and Rick. What can I say? Maybe the most unique and die hard member! Their families are pulling them in different directions but we all know y'all bleed black and orange, so relax and we know y'all will be riding with us all as soon as you can and when ever possible.

Terry and Ken have the future of bike chain! And they honestly couldn't be any better hands. We have the new climbing goat the "colt 45" and the "corazy" who shows his game face at all times. These two are the future and I honestly hope they stick with it and I hope to become a mentor to them like the rest of the senior bike chain member have been for me.

Tim the roadie,who isn't really a roadie, but we love you any way!

David, he has his motorcycles which I think he can be very successful on if he keeps his head focused and not worry what is going on around him. But I hope he remembers his colors: black and orange.

Jim, “the come back kid,” is one of the most motivated members and usually ends up the one getting made fun of the most. But someone has to be that person lol. He also has Libby, who I believe is very under estimated by most. She is super sweet and I think Jim is afraid to let her share her kindness with us.

Chris, the diehard old school rider, has the amazing Michelle. They might be the best couple ever and they have relationship that everyone dreams of. They are the definition of love and I listen with both ears when they both speak. They both speak eloquently and they have wisdom that I believe that everyone should hear.

Ron I didn't forget you. How could I! You are our only non white member! You are our crazy latino member that no one understands. Fucking Popo!

So what is bike chain? It is not a team and is not dead! It is a group rare individuals that support their friends, families and their fellow riders. They are group of friends that stick together and grow as they grow. So let the black and orange bleed on!


BIG JIM said...

Nice blog post, possibly your best by far.

RickySilk said...

you nailed it