Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Don't Need to be Macon Bacon!

The Fantastic 4 Theme Song

I thought I was missing out on the trip to Macon but I was wrong! I don't need a zipper neck comedian, an old man with a creepy laugh, pedofile photographer/ artist, cougar chasing fish, a worm with facial hair, fat tire beer, Mexican food, five guys and bad ass trails to have a good weekend. In fact fuck them! There is a new crew in town. We aren't gas guzzling fools who go and waste money and time riding in Macon. We are amazing!

Team Chain Breakers dot org is not like any other in tally. We got beauty, talent, and determination. We are like the fantastic 4! The never aging Tim, the one armed silent machine, the never ending legged retard, and the rambling asthmatic! We are out to break the habits of diaper changing men, trunk stashing whores, experts who train in secrecy, and those who leave town unrightfully! We have jerseys, tshirts, towels, and hats too. All you got to do is visit once there you can also find our custom anodized parts that are now available in custom scratch and sniff scents.

Saturday the rambling asthmatic did Chairs for the first time in three months. Left the house at 7:10 and it was dark as fuck. Unfortunately I didn't leave in time to ride over there casually, so I ended up time trailing the whole way there. When I arrived at the community center, I found two of the the Chain breakers dot org team there. The never aging man and surprisingly the Silent machine made is Chairs debut. Unfortunately we weren't out saving the world of those who we are out to save, but it was a good ride. The Silent machine did awesome he made to fire tower and almost hung on over it. Mad props to fellow fantastic. For the never aging Tim and the rambling asthmatic we made a select group of five and rode strong. The never aging man is showing mad super hero strength and riding the best I have ever seen him ride. As for me I give myself a 7. I didn't ride Thursday or Friday and I think it had an affect on my legs. I just didn't have speed. I had the lungs I just had no legs they burned all day. Considering all of that I was able to work a little bit and make the elite group for the last 15 miles. So all in all the 3.5 hr 70 mile ride was good and the fantastics showed that they are fantastic.

Sunday the fantastics met each other at tom brown all at different times. It wasn't planned but we all came together! That how strong our bonds are! We wanted to save a diapers changing man but he was a little girl and was a no show and didn't even call a fantastic back! Even though the fantastic 4 couldn't save the world for the second day in row we had a blast. The weather was beautiful and the trails were pretty good considering the rain this last week. We rode Cadillac and did the silent machines torture loop. This weekends version was different then last weekends version. I some how convinced the rest of the fantastic 4 to do plowed field intervals. Painful but very entertaining. we continued on keeping a very high pace. The grass hill at the end turned into who could make it to the top first. The asthmatic came out on top followed by never ending legs, followed closely by never aging man, and silent machine keeping strong. We all felt pretty good and tired after hard efforts and long ride. We all got about three hours, we are fantastic!

So what have we learned today? I think that the chain breakers dot org are fucking fantastic and that we don't need to 3 hrs of driving, food, different trail, and gayness to be cool! So we will just keep trying to save the world and try to make it fantastic!

I am not bitter at all too!

In seriousness it was a good weekend with some different rides. I got about 7 hrs this weekend of riding and my legs are feeling good. I got to keep the riding up! I want to keep being fantastic!


BIG JIM said...

Good riddance and f@$%& you. Signed, the old man with a creepy laugh.

BIGWORM said...

I don't think I've ever seen anyone use so many words to describe their jealousy!

longshanks said...

Good week-end of riding. While some of the crew was frolicking in the Georgia hills we were gaining fitness. …..No, I’m not bitter either.

bikechain said...

This is funny