Monday, November 15, 2010

Disapearing Act

After a fun but frustrating ride at spaghetti. I kinda fell off the side of the earth. It wasn't a result of my ride but a result of life and and lack of motivation (I hate cold weather).

School is a big part of it though. I have had some big projects that are very time consuming. For example last nights models took me 7-8 hours. It tedious but I am doing good. I have consistently improved and now I am pretty sure I have an A going into my final project, which is due next wed! I can't wait! I am excited for a break from gluing and my fingers are raw currently from using the xacto knife. O and tired of getting critiqued at school by my teacher.

On top of all the school stuff H2 once again made another cut in staff. I am surprisingly still there and this last cut finally affected me. My direct boss was fired and now I am left with no boss and no specific duty. Its nice, my last boss was hard on me and pretty rude before. He talked behind my back and expected me to be able to design and do engineering calc with out any engineering classes. Hello!? My title is just CAD technician. So now instead of being a do boy for one person, I am do boy for everyone. Today I had 5 different people come ask me to do things and to come see them tomorrow morning and I have a on  deadline on two newer jobs tomorrow and thursday. No complaints though. My job is a lot more pleasant/ entertaining and my bosses are a lot kinder/ appreciative and I enjoy working for them. Kindness goes a long ways!

So its been 2.5 weeks since spaghetti and I have ridden once. Its not that I don't want to ride JIM and others. Life is just currently in the way. I can't go two hours of the day with out thinking about something that involves cycling, so I'll be back. Starting the week after thanksgiving I will have time to ride everyday of the week, so I should free to ride soon.

From now on I will feature my random thoughts on the side bar due to the popularity of the last blog. And a project or cool photo on the side bar. Hope y'all enjoy.

Photos of my A Model:

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